Mediation Attorneys in Baldwin County, AL
Avoiding court can be in the best interests of multiple parties. There are disputes that can be more effectively and efficiently resolved without resorting to litigation. In addition, some disputes are required to be resolved outside the traditional court system when required by contract. For decades, Stone Crosby, P.C. has provided mediation services for a variety of clients. Our firm is equipped to represent clients as they engage in mediation, arbitration, or other forms of alternative dispute resolution or act as mediators for those who choose that process. If you are interested in knowing more about our firm, contact Stone Crosby, P.C. for a consultation.
A successful alternative dispute resolution practice
Stone Crosby, P.C. has significant experience representing clients in mediations. Our experience includes:
• Construction disputes
• Business disputes
• Trust dissolutions
• Personal injury claims
• Product claims
• Wrongful death
• Will contests
• Commercial transactions
• Domestic and family law matters
• Class actions
• Estates
Mediation services of Sam Crosby
For over 2 decades, Sam Crosby has been recognized as a premier mediator, well known for his legal, analytical and conciliation skills. He has successfully conducted hundreds of mediations throughout south Alabama, including many complex, high-profile cases. In a recent mediation, Mr. Crosby assisted parties in settling all claims in nine separate jury trials on the dockets of five different circuit judges.
Mr. Crosby’s mediation services have included civil cases in virtually every area of the law except bankruptcy law, securities law and family law.
In a difficult, high-profile case resolved in a mediation conducted by Mr. Crosby in February 2010, the circuit judge included the following in her order, “…the Court, all parties and all counsel are grateful for Sam Crosby’s extraordinary services as mediator in assisting the parties in reaching a settlement in this complex and protracted dispute. Mr. Crosby exhibited wisdom, patience, professionalism and determination in working with the parties and their counsel.”
Mediation services of Brian Chunn
Brian Chunn is a certified mediator who has a thriving mediation practice in the area of family law. The Baldwin County circuit judges regularly appoint him to handle many of the difficult family law cases in the Baldwin County court system.
Contact Stone Crosby, P.C.
If you need to discuss your legal matter with an experienced law firm, contact Stone Crosby, P.C. Our firm is ready to assess your legal matter and the practicality of mediation. Whether you need representation to protect your rights through the process or need a mediator to guide the parties towards an amicable conclusion, we are ready to serve. Contact Stone Crosby, P.C.